Sample Website: Every page includes descriptions!
This phone number is clickable!
This social media
icon is clickable
This is for the store
Drop Down-1
Drop Down-1
Drop Down-2
Drop Down-2
Drop Down-2
Navigational Buttons
Here we show you the different types of navigational buttons
When you mouse over the button you can see the background change (you can also change the color of the text)
When you choose the button, the background changes color again so you know what page you're on
Drop Down-1
When you mouse over the main button, you will see a drop down menu​
Since there is no general page, you can't click on the main button
You can scroll down to one of the other menu items and click on that
Drop Down-2
When you mouse over the main button, you will see a drop down menu​
Since this section includes a general page, you can click on the main button
You can also scroll down to one of the other menu items and choose them
It's nice to add a graphical element on every page, or it will just be a lot of text.
This graphic matches the one used on the home page for graphical consistency.,