Sample Website: Every page includes descriptions!

This phone number is clickable!
This social media
icon is clickable
This is for the store
Welcome to Peregrine's Sample Website!
Every page will have descriptions in orange text for the different elements of what you're looking at! So visit all the pages including the drop down menus that offer additional sub-pages...enjoy!
By the way, these social links in the header (or footer) will be on every page and are clickable!
SLIDES -- a graphical way to show off your services, products and more!
Title for each page (H1)
Don't forget to add welcoming text on your home page that should include your company name, location and a brief description of what you do. All of this helps with natural Search Engine Optimization (SEO). If a visitor wants to learn more you can link them to the About Us page -- which every website should have (except this one)!
Every page of your site should also include:
H1 Headers: this is what search engines use to index each page
Meta Titles: this is what's listed on search engine results
Meta Descriptions: the copy that's part of your search results
Google Maps
Easy to add your location
Notice the 'Peregrine' logo as the locator
You can add a border around the map
Graphical Elements
A graphical way to highlight and link to your service pages
The graphic and the button underneath are links
Create one or two or as many as you need